Your First 90 Days as a Manager: Week-by-Week Guide to Success

Oren Todoros
By Oren Todoros, Updated on June 26, 2024, 8 min read
90 day plan for new managers

Studies have shown that the first 90 days of a management role can significantly impact long-term success. According to a survey conducted by the Center for Creative Leadership, 40% of new leaders fail within their first 18 months.


However, those who effectively manage their transition period have a much higher chance of thriving in their role. As a renowned management consultant, Peter Drucker once said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” So, let’s get started and create a successful future for you as a leader!



Week-by-Week Guide to the First 90 Days as a Manager

This article will help you navigate through these initial months. We’ll take it week by week, discussing key topics, strategies, and actions that will help you grow and make a real impact.


So, let’s dive in and master your first 90 days together!



Week 1: Prepare Yourself 

Your first week is all about setting the groundwork for your new role. Take the time to get to know the company culture and values, understand how the organization is structured, and identify the key people you’ll be working with.


Don’t forget to schedule those introductory meetings with your team and colleagues to build connections and gain valuable insights.


As you review and internalize your role and responsibilities, you can hit the ground running. Keep an eye out for any early challenges and opportunities that arise, as they’ll help you determine where to focus your efforts in the coming weeks.


  • Understand company culture and values
  • Familiarize yourself with the organization’s structure and key stakeholders
  • Set up introductory meetings with your team and colleagues
  • Review and understand your role and responsibilities
  • Identify early challenges and opportunities


Do: Understand company culture and values.

Do: Familiarize yourself with the organization’s structure and key stakeholders.

Don’t: Make assumptions without seeking clarity and understanding.

Don’t: Rush into making changes before understanding the existing dynamics.


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Week 2: Accelerate Your Learning 

It’s time to dive headfirst into deep learning mode during the second week. Immerse yourself in understanding the ins and outs of the company. Conduct a thorough review of its products, services, and the industry landscape in which it operates.


Take the time to grasp the organization’s strategic goals, objectives, and current market trends. It’s also essential to familiarize yourself with the key competitors in the industry.


To gain valuable insights, engage in meetings with cross-functional teams. This will give you a broader understanding of different departments and functions within the company. With all this knowledge, you can establish a comprehensive learning plan.


Identify any gaps in your understanding and create a roadmap to bridge them effectively. This will ensure you’re up to speed and ready to contribute meaningfully to the team and company’s success.


To help set you on the right path, here are ten questions you should ask team members:


  1. What are your individual goals and responsibilities within the team?
  2. How can I support you in achieving your goals and further developing your skills?
  3. Are there any specific challenges or obstacles you currently face in your role?
  4. What are your preferred communication channels and methods for team collaboration?
  5. How do you feel about the team dynamics and communication within the group?
  6. Are there any areas where you feel the team could improve its efficiency or productivity?
  7. What resources, tools, or training do you believe would benefit the team’s performance?
  8. How do you prefer to receive feedback and recognition for your work?
  9. Do you have any suggestions or ideas for enhancing team morale and motivation?
  10. What do you think are the team’s strengths and areas where we can further excel?


Some additional checks:

  • Conduct a thorough review of the company’s products, services, and industry landscape
  • Study the company’s strategic goals and objectives
  • Identify key competitors and market trends
  • Meet with cross-functional teams to gain insights into different departments and functions
  • Establish a learning plan to fill any knowledge gaps


Do: Thoroughly review the company’s products, services, and industry landscape.

Do: Study the company’s strategic goals and objectives.

Don’t: Overwhelm yourself by trying to learn everything at once.

Don’t: Disregard the insights and experiences of existing employ.



Week 3: Match Strategy to Situation 

Week 3 is about aligning your strategy with the current situation. Begin by assessing the team and department’s current state, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. As an essential step, set up team communication channels to foster collaboration and efficient information flow.


With a clear understanding of the organization’s goals and priorities, devise a short-term action plan to address immediate needs. Look for growth and innovation opportunities, and align your strategy accordingly to maximize impact.


  • Assess the current state of the team and department
  • Identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement
  • Set up team communication channels
  • Align your strategy with the company’s goals and priorities
  • Identify opportunities for growth and innovation
  • Develop a short-term action plan to address immediate needs


Do: Assess the current state of the team and department.

Do: Set up team communication channels.

Don’t: Ignore the existing dynamics within the team and department.

Don’t: Rush into making significant changes without understanding the situation fully.



Week 4: Establish Goals 

During the fourth week, it’s crucial to negotiate success with your manager and key stakeholders. Schedule a meeting to discuss expectations, success criteria, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for your role.


Establish clear goals and milestones for 30, 60, and 90 days. Seek feedback and clarification on expectations to ensure you are aligned with the broader organizational objectives. This proactive approach sets the stage for a successful journey ahead.


  • Meet with your manager to discuss expectations and success criteria
  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) for your role
  • Establish clear goals and milestones for the next 30, 60, and 90 days
  • Seek feedback and clarification on expectations
  • Align your goals with the broader organizational objectives


Do: Meet with your manager to discuss expectations and success criteria.

Do: Align your goals with the broader organizational objectives.

Don’t: Assume you fully understand expectations without seeking clarification.

Don’t: Isolate yourself from other stakeholders without seeking their input.



Week 5: Secure Early Wins 

Week 5 is all about gaining momentum by securing early wins. Identify quick-win projects or initiatives that align with your goals and objectives. Prioritize high-impact, low-effort tasks to demonstrate early success. Collaborate closely with your team to execute these identified opportunities.


Communicate progress and celebrate early wins with your team and stakeholders. These achievements will help build credibility, establish trust, and lay a solid foundation for future endeavors.


  • Identify quick-win projects or initiatives that align with your goals
  • Focus on high-impact, low-effort tasks to demonstrate early success
  • Collaborate with your team to execute identified opportunities
  • Communicate progress and celebrate early wins with your team and stakeholders
  • Use these wins to build credibility and establish trust


Do: Identify quick-win projects or initiatives that align with your goals.

Do: Communicate progress and celebrate early wins with your team and stakeholders.

Don’t: Get complacent after achieving early wins. Keep pushing for continuous improvement.

Don’t: Neglect the importance of collaboration and involving your team in securing early wins.



Week 6: Achieve Alignment 

In the sixth week, focus on achieving alignment within your team. Meet with each team member individually to understand their roles, challenges, and aspirations. Identify areas of misalignment and potential roadblocks.


Foster open communication and collaboration within the team. Develop a shared vision and establish team goals. Ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities, enabling them to perform at their best. A cohesive team working towards a common purpose will enhance overall productivity and success.


  • Meet with your team individually to understand their roles and challenges
  • Identify areas of misalignment and potential roadblocks
  • Foster open communication and collaboration within the team
  • Develop a shared vision and establish team goals
  • Ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities


Do: Meet with your team individually to understand their roles and challenges.

Do: Develop a shared vision and establish team goals.

Don’t: Micromanage your team members. Trust their abilities and provide autonomy.

Don’t: Overlook the importance of regular team communication and updates.



Week 7: Build Your Team 

Building a high-performing team is a critical aspect of leadership. Evaluate the existing team structure and composition to identify skill gaps and areas for improvement. Assess individual strengths and developmental needs to create a talent development plan.


If necessary, initiate recruiting efforts to fill key positions. Investing in your team’s growth and development sets the stage for long-term success and creates a positive work environment.


  • Evaluate the existing team structure and composition
  • Identify skill gaps and areas for improvement
  • Assess individual strengths and developmental needs
  • Develop a talent development plan
  • Initiate recruiting efforts, if necessary, to fill key positions


Do: Evaluate the existing team structure and composition.

Do: Initiate recruiting efforts, if necessary, to fill key positions.

Don’t: Rush the hiring process. Take the time to find the right fit for the team.

Don’t: Neglect the importance of fostering a positive, inclusive team culture.



Week 8: Create Alliances 

Week 8 emphasizes the importance of creating alliances both within and outside the organization. Identify key stakeholders and build relationships with influential individuals and teams. Understand their priorities, objectives, and challenges.


Seek opportunities for collaboration and shared success. By leveraging alliances, you can drive support for your initiatives and navigate complex organizational dynamics more effectively.


  • Identify key stakeholders within and outside the organization
  • Build relationships with influential individuals and teams
  • Understand their priorities and objectives
  • Seek opportunities for collaboration and shared success
  • Leverage alliances to drive support for your initiatives


Do: Identify key stakeholders within and outside the organization.

Do: Seek opportunities for collaboration and shared success.

Don’t: Limit your alliances to only those in higher positions. Build relationships across the board.

Don’t: Expect immediate support and alignment from all stakeholders. Nurture relationships over time.



Week 9: Manage Yourself 

As a leader, self-management is paramount to maintaining effectiveness and well-being. Take time during week 9 to reflect on your leadership style and effectiveness. Identify areas for personal and professional growth.


Seek feedback from your team, colleagues, and mentors to gain valuable insights. Develop a plan for self-improvement and skill enhancement. Prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance, ensuring you can lead your team at your best.


  • Reflect on your leadership style and effectiveness
  • Identify areas for personal and professional growth
  • Seek feedback from your team, colleagues, and mentors
  • Develop a plan for self-improvement and skill enhancement
  • Prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance


Do: Reflect on your leadership style and effectiveness.

Do: Prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Don’t: Neglect your own development and growth while focusing on your team’s needs.

Don’t: Fall into the trap of overworking and burning yourself out.



Week 10: Accelerate Learning 

In the tenth week, continue to accelerate your learning journey. Seek out opportunities for continuous learning and development. Attend relevant workshops, conferences, or training programs. Engage in knowledge-sharing activities within the organization.


For example, if you are using technology like Azure, consider providing access to resources such as Microsoft AZ-305 Exam Dumps during training to enhance learning outcomes. Stay updated with industry trends and emerging technologies. Apply new knowledge and skills to your role and projects, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve and drive innovation.


  • Continuously seek opportunities for learning and development
  • Attend relevant workshops, conferences, or training programs
  • Engage in knowledge-sharing activities within the organization
  • Keep up-to-date with industry trends and emerging technologies
  • Apply new knowledge and skills to your role and projects


Do: Attend relevant workshops, conferences, or training programs.

Do: Apply new knowledge and skills to your role and projects.

Don’t: Limit your learning to formal channels. Seek informal learning opportunities as well.

Don’t: Get overwhelmed by the vast amount of information available. Focus on practical application.



Week 11: Drive Performance and Results 

As you approach the end of your first 90 days, focus on driving performance and delivering results. Set clear expectations and goals for your team. Provide regular feedback and coaching to enhance their performance.


Monitor progress and take corrective actions when necessary. Encourage collaboration and teamwork to achieve results. Celebrate achievements and recognize outstanding contributions, fostering a culture of excellence within your team.


  • Set clear expectations and goals for your team
  • Provide regular feedback and coaching to enhance performance
  • Monitor progress and take corrective actions when necessary
  • Encourage collaboration and teamwork to achieve results
  • Celebrate achievements and recognize outstanding contributions


Do: Provide regular feedback and coaching to enhance performance.

Do: Celebrate achievements and recognize outstanding contributions.

Don’t: Avoid addressing performance issues or conflicts within your team.

Don’t: Undermine the importance of ongoing performance evaluations and development discussions.



Week 12: Review and Reflect 

In the final week, take the time to review and reflect upon your first 90 days. Evaluate your progress and accomplishments, assessing the effectiveness of your strategies and initiatives. Seek feedback from key stakeholders and team members to gain different perspectives.


Identify areas for further improvement and development. Adjust your plans based on the valuable lessons learned during this initial period, ensuring continuous growth and success.


  • Evaluate your progress and accomplishments in the first 90 days
  • Review the effectiveness of your strategies and initiatives
  • Seek feedback from key stakeholders and team members
  • Identify areas for further improvement and development
  • Adjust your plans based on lessons learned


Do: Seek feedback from key stakeholders and team members.

Do: Adjust your future plans based on lessons learned.

Don’t: Fall into the trap of becoming complacent. Strive for continuous improvement.

Don’t: Disregard the importance of celebrating achievements and milestones.




Mastering your first 90 days in a new leadership role is an exciting adventure that requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and effective execution. But don’t worry, you’ve got this! By following this friendly week-by-week guide, you’ll be equipped to navigate the challenges, seize opportunities, and establish a strong foundation for long-term success.


Remember, each week’s actions build upon the previous ones, creating a path toward becoming a confident and impactful leader in your organization. Embrace the journey with enthusiasm, stay resilient in the face of obstacles, and keep your eyes on the transformation that lies ahead. You have the potential to make a significant difference and inspire your team to achieve greatness.


Believe in yourself, trust your instincts, and don’t be afraid to seek support and guidance along the way. Celebrate your wins, learn from your experiences, and stay open to growth and development. Your dedication and commitment will pave the way for a successful leadership journey.


So, go forth with confidence, embrace the challenges, and enjoy the journey of becoming an exceptional leader. You have what it takes to make a lasting impact. Best of luck on this incredible adventure!

Oren Todoros
Oren Todoros Oren is a strategic thinker with over 20 years of experience in the marketing industry and is the current Head of Content Strategy at Spike. He's also the proud father of 3 beautiful daughters and a dog named Milo.

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