What is Mailjet Markup Language (MJML)?

MJML (Mailjet Markup Language) is a responsive email framework designed to simplify creating complex, responsive email templates that render consistently across different email clients and devices. 


Developed by Mailjet, this open-source email framework has gained popularity for its ability to address common challenges in email design, providing developers and marketers with tools that make building beautiful, functional emails more accessible and efficient. 



The Development of MJML

The development of MJML was driven by the need for a standardized approach to responsive email design that could alleviate the historically tedious and error-prone process of checking countless device types. 


Before MJML, creating emails that looked good on all devices and email clients required deep knowledge of HTML and CSS, along with an understanding of the quirks specific to each email client. MJML has become the solution to these complexities, offering a higher-level abstraction of HTML tailored specifically for email design.



4 Critical Features of MJML

MJML operates by abstracting the complexity of responsive email coding. It provides a semantic syntax that is both easy to learn and use for people of all skill sets, which then compiles into responsive HTML optimized for email. 


Key features include:


  1. Simplified Markup Language:

    MJML’s syntax simplifies the process of coding responsive emails. Developers can use custom tags specific to MJML, such as <mj-section>, <mj-column>, and <mj-text>, which handle much of the heavy lifting required to make emails responsive.

  2. Highly Customizable Components:

    While MJML has a range of pre-defined components that cater to common email elements (like headers, footers, and call-to-action buttons), it also allows for extensive customization. Users can tweak these components or create their own to fit specific design requirements.

  3. Community and Extensions:

    Being open-source, MJML benefits from a robust community of developers who contribute to its ongoing development. Some numerous community-developed plugins and extensions enhance its capabilities, from custom components to integrations with other tools.

  4. Cross-Client Compatibility:

    One of MJML’s most significant advantages is its ability to produce HTML code compatible with most email clients and devices, reducing the likelihood of rendering issues that can lead to poor user experiences.



Wrap up


As email went mobile in the 2010s, MJML has found its following among both developers and marketers due to its ease of use and efficiency. For businesses, MJML can drastically reduce the time and resources spent on email template development when considering cross-platform and mobile email, allowing for more focus on content and strategy. 


Furthermore, its responsive capabilities ensure that emails automatically adjust to fit screens of all sizes, including tablets, mobile phones, and even smartwatches.


MJML has significantly changed the field of email marketing by simplifying access to high-quality, responsive email design code. Its philosophy centers on usability and effectiveness, ensuring that emails reach their intended audience and deliver compelling content in an aesthetically pleasing format for the device the readers are on. 


With how noisy social media has become, email continues to be a critical channel for marketing communications, MJML’s role in enabling better and more effective email is critical for marketers. Its ongoing evolution and adaptation to new challenges and technologies will continue to make it a key technology for email marketers worldwide.

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