What is Unified Communication?

Unified communication is a business concept which describes the integration of all forms of communication, including voice, video, and chat, within one platform. 


Unified communications is like having a one-stop shop for all your work conversations. Instead of having different apps for calling, video conferencing, texting, and sharing documents, UC puts them all together in one easy-to-use program. This makes connecting and collaborating with colleagues simpler, saving you time and boosting your productivity.


While it is often used in contact call centers, it can also be used by companies of any size. Many businesses are already using it to improve their customer service and increase productivity.


Unified communications may seem like a relatively new concept, but in fact, it’s not. It has been around for decades, but the term “unified communications” didn’t become popular until about 10 years ago.




The Benefits of Unified Communications

There are plenty of ways that unified communications can help your business: 



Improve internal communications

By integrating different communication channels into a single platform, UC can improve communication and collaboration between employees, customers, and partners. 



Provide better customer service

Unified communications can help to improve customer service by providing employees with the ability to quickly and easily connect with customers using the most appropriate communication channel, whether that’s voice, video, chat, or email.



Increase employee productivity

Unified communications can help to improve workplace productivity by reducing the need to switch between different communication channels or devices. For example, an employee can send an instant message to a colleague while on a video call with a customer or check voicemail messages within the same interface as their email inbox.



Cost savings 

Unified communications can help reduce business costs by eliminating the need for multiple communication devices and platforms, reducing the amount of time employees spend communicating. For example, an employee who can quickly resolve a customer query using UC chat can save time that would otherwise be spent on a phone call or email exchange. 



Flexible working

Unified communications can help to enable flexible working by allowing employees to access communication and collaboration tools from any location using any device. For example, an employee working from home can use UC to make and receive calls, send instant messages, and join video conferences using their laptop, smartphone, or tablet.



The Different Types of Unified Communication Platforms

There are different types of UC platforms that organizations can choose from, depending on their business needs. 


However, the most common types of UC platforms are:

  1. On-premises UC platforms:

    These are installed and operated within an organization’s premises and offer complete control over the system. However, they require a higher upfront investment and higher maintenance costs.

  2. Cloud-based UC platforms:

    These are hosted by third-party service providers and can be accessed by users from anywhere, using any device. They are more flexible and scalable than on-premises UC platforms but may not offer the same level of security and control.

  3. Hybrid UC platforms

    These combine the features of both on-premises and cloud-based UC platforms and offer the best of both worlds. However, they are usually more complex to set up and manage than the other two types.



How to Choose the Right Unified Communications System

When choosing the right unified communications system for your business, you need to consider a few key factors, such as:

  1. Cost:

    Cost will be a significant factor in your decision regarding your UC system. You need to find a solution that fits your budget while still providing all the features and functionality you need.

  2. Ease of use:

    Another important consideration is how easy the system is to use. You want something user-friendly that won’t require much training for your employees to run.

  3. Integration:

    It’s also important to ensure that your chosen UC system will integrate seamlessly with your existing IT infrastructure. This will make deployment and maintenance much easier.

  4. Scalability:

    As your business grows, you’ll need a UC system that can scale. Make sure the system you choose can accommodate future growth.

  5. Support:

    Finally, you’ll want to ensure that the UC system you select comes with 24/7 support in case of any problems.


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