Customer Engagement Tactics for Small Business

Diana Rubine
By Diana Rubine, Updated on May 22, 2024, 8 min read
Customer engagement tactics for small business

There’s no question that small businesses have to work harder than ever to attract and keep customers. With so much competition, standing out from the crowd can be tough. But with a little creativity, you can engage customers and set yourself apart from the competition. In this blog post, we will discuss small business customer engagement tactics.



What is Customer Engagement?

Customer engagement is the act of building a relationship between a company and its customers. This relationship is based on mutual trust, respect, and a shared understanding of what each party wants from the other. Customer engagement can be achieved through various tactics, such as direct interactions with customers, real-time marketing, social media outreach, etc.


Effective customer engagement requires a deep understanding of customer needs and expectations and the ability to tailor marketing messages and interactions to meet those needs. It also requires effective communication between company representatives and customers, facilitated by quality customer service.



How do you Measure Customer Engagement?

Measuring customer engagement

Customer engagement is a key indicator of the success or failure of any business. Many companies measure customer engagement in different ways, but some common methods can be used to evaluate customer interactions and determine their level of engagement. These include tracking social media mentions, analyzing email open and response rates, conducting surveys and focus groups, monitoring call center metrics, and monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs).


The first step in measuring customer engagement is to identify the goals of your business and determine what types of interactions are most important for achieving those goals. For example, if you are running a marketing campaign to increase sales, you might want to focus on tracking call center metrics such as the number of calls per day or the length of time customers spend on hold.


Once you have identified your key metrics, it is important to set benchmarks that can be used to evaluate customer engagement over time. These benchmarks may vary depending on your goals and the types of interactions you are tracking, but some common examples include the following:

  • Number of mentions on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

  • Rate of email open and response rates

  • Number of surveys or focus groups completed by customers

  • Average call length per customer contact

  • Percentage of calls that are answered within a certain timeframe, such as 30 seconds or less

In addition to tracking your metrics over time, it can also be helpful to compare them to industry benchmarks or best practices. This can help you identify potential areas for improvement and benchmark your performance against other companies in your industry.


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10 Customer Engagement Tactics for Small Business

Customer engagement is critical for small businesses looking to build loyalty and increase sales. There are several different tactics that small businesses can implement to improve customer engagement and drive more revenue. These tactics include:

  1. Creating personalized experiences for customers

    One of the most effective ways to engage with customers is by creating customized interactions that speak to their needs and preferences. This can be done through targeted marketing campaigns, personalized product recommendations, or custom rewards programs tailored to each customer’s purchasing history.

  2. Leveraging social media platforms

    Social media is a powerful tool for building brand awareness and engaging with customers more personally. Small businesses can use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to share updates about new products, offer special promotions or discounts, and drive conversations with their followers.

  3. Utilizing customer feedback

    Listening to what your customers say can be invaluable in improving engagement and driving more sales. Whether you collect feedback through surveys, focus groups, or online reviews, it’s important to pay attention to what your customers say and make adjustments accordingly.

  4. Offering incentives for engagement

    Another way to engage customers is by offering special perks or discounts in exchange for their participation. For example, you might offer a discount on future purchases or free shipping in exchange for completing a survey or signing up for your email newsletter.

  5. Encouraging customer reviews and testimonials

    Customer reviews and testimonials are another great way to build trust and engagement with your audience. By collecting positive customer feedback, you can showcase the quality of your products and services and attract new customers looking for recommendations.

  6. Hosting events and promotions

    Events and promotions are another effective way to drive customer engagement, especially if they are focused on building relationships with customers or rewarding them for their loyalty. Whether you host an in-store sale, offer a special membership program, or hold an event like a holiday party or launch party for new products, these activities can help you connect with customers in a meaningful way.

  7. Using targeted advertising

    Targeted ads are another great way to engage with customers and reach the right audience at the right time. Whether you use pay-per-click advertising or display ads on social media platforms, it’s important to target your ads carefully to reach the people most likely to engage with your brand.

  8. Creating interactive content

    In addition to traditional marketing materials like ads, it’s also a good idea to create interactive content that encourages your customers to engage with you on a deeper level. This can include videos, infographics, quizzes, or contests that help you connect with your audience in a more personalized way.

  9. Integrating customer service into the sales process

    Good customer service is one of the most important ways to engage customers. By offering responsive and attentive customer support, you can help build long-term relationships with your customers based on trust and satisfaction.

  10. Focusing on customer experience

    Finally, it’s important to always keep the customer in mind when designing your engagement strategies. By thinking about what will appeal to them and make their experience with your brand more pleasant, you can create a more positive brand image and encourage repeat purchases over time.

As you can see, there are many different ways that small businesses can boost customer engagement. By building relationships with customers and offering incentives for participation, you can cultivate long-term relationships that result in greater sales and more repeat business over time.


Thinking about these different strategies should be enough to get you started on boosting your customer engagement efforts, but you might still have some questions. If you’re unsure where to begin or want to learn more about why customer engagement is so important, the following tips can help.


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Tips for Boosting Customer Engagement


1. Make sure your audience knows what they should do next

One of the biggest mistakes many small business owners make when trying to engage customers is not telling them what they need to do next. After you’ve connected with your customers and started building a relationship with them, it’s important to let them know how they can continue the interaction.


This might mean giving them a call to action that encourages them to purchase or sign up for an email newsletter, or it might simply mean including details on your social media profiles about where they can find you online. By telling them what to do, you give customers the guidance they need to stay engaged with your brand and continue the conversation.



2. Think carefully about how you communicate with customers

Another important part of boosting customer engagement is how you communicate with customers. Even if you’re using a formal tone and style when writing your marketing message, it’s a good idea to let that go when interacting directly with customers or leading discussions on social media platforms.


Keep things casual and friendly when interacting with customers so that they know you’re approachable and easy to talk to. This will help you foster a sense of connection with customers and encourage them to return for more.



3. Create content designed to appeal to the customer’s interests

In addition to naturally communicating with your customers, it’s also important to ensure that you’re giving them the content they want and need. By targeting your content to your customers’ specific interests, you can ensure they’ll stick around long enough to absorb what you have to say.


For example, if you’re selling hiking gear, creating a blog post that includes tips on the best places to hike near your location is likely to appeal more to an outdoor enthusiast than a post on the history of hiking boots. Focusing on what customers need makes you more likely to get their attention and keep them engaged with your brand for longer.



4. Encourage participation by offering incentives for it

Finally, the best way to boost customer engagement is to encourage customers to participate in what you want them to do. Whether you’re running a promotion or simply asking them to leave feedback on your website, offering an incentive in the form of a discount or prize is much more likely to get customers excited about engaging with your business.


For example, if you’re having a special sale at your store, it’s a good idea to let customers know that they can get an even better deal if they show you that they’re interested in having their feedback reviewed by leaving a customer review. Encouraging participation is the best way to ensure that customers are engaged with your brand, so don’t be afraid to give them something special.


Engaging with customers is one of the most important things you can do for your business, so make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep customers interested and active. Whether you’re running promotions or simply interacting with customers on social media, following these tips will help you get better results from the customer engagement efforts that you put forth.




Customer engagement is key to a successful small business. Using tactics like those we’ve outlined in this blog post, you can create an interactive experience that keeps your customers coming back. Are there other tactics you use to engage your customers? We want to hear about them! Contact us today and let us know how we can help you take your customer engagement strategy to the next level.

Diana Rubine
Diana Rubine Diana Rubine is a proud Colombian-Israeli and currently, she is the Director of Engagement at Spike. Diana has 15 years of experience in Account Management and Customer Success in a variety of industries such as gaming, mobile attribution & cybersecurity. She also loves mentoring women in CS and Pilates.

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