Work Efficiency Hacks: Supercharge Your Productivity and Dominate Your Goals!

By Sivan Kaspi, Updated on August 02, 2023, 8 min read
work efficiency

Bill Gates famously said, “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” They won’t complicate the process or add extra steps; they’ll get the task done as simply as possible. In other words, they’ll work efficiently.


Now, whether Bill ever actually said that is up to debate, but the point still holds. Work efficiency is all about accomplishing the most possible with the least amount of effort, time, and resources needed. It helps improve productivity while reducing waste, and ultimately leads to a stronger, healthier organization.



Understanding Work Efficiency

Work efficiency has two main benefits for your organization: increased productivity and decreased spending on labor and resources. Combined, these can offer a substantial boost to your company’s bottom line.


Moreover, the time and resources freed up by greater work efficiency can be spent elsewhere. Budgets can be redirected to tools or training to improve workflows and products. Employee time can be used to attend to other tasks, pursue professional growth, or improve your company culture.


Beyond the practical benefits for employees, work efficiency can also help balance the workloads of your team members. Ensuring the right amount of time and energy goes into any given task can help limit overwork and the stress that comes with it.


Essentially, improving work efficiency can help your company and its team members in the short and long term. However, some common barriers can stand in your way.


These hurdles fall into four main categories:

  • Disorganized workflows

  • Fragmented focus

  • Personal work habits

  • Improper channels and tools

We’re going to tackle these challenges one at a time, with simple solutions that you can use to supercharge your workplace productivity today.



1. Streamline Your Workflow

The first step towards work efficiency is knowing what you’re working towards. Set clear individual, company, and team goals. Make sure to include relevant team members in this process so that everybody becomes a stakeholder in the work they’re doing.


From there, you can start to prioritize your tasks. Whether you use a priority list or some kind of task list, what’s important is that you have a clear understanding of what you need to do now and what can wait until later. This will allow you to work efficiently through all your assignments rather than becoming overwhelmed.


An efficient workflow also requires good time management, especially when it comes to operating as a team. It’s vital for smooth collaboration, communication, and accountability through deadlines. There are lots of techniques you can use to manage your time, so test some out to find what fits.


Some small but popular ways to kickstart your time management are:

  • The Pomodoro Technique

    You set a timer to do 25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break, and repeat.

  • Start with the biggest task

    Completing your most important task first thing in the morning ensures it gets done and gives a sense of satisfaction that can help your work going forward.

  • Time Blocking

    Just like prioritizing tasks, breaking down your day into manageable blocks allows you to tackle it one piece at a time and not become overwhelmed. The length or content of the blocks is up to you!


2. Eliminate Distractions

focus for work efficiency


Distractions are the enemy of productivity and efficiency, so it’s important that you try to minimize them as much as possible. Start by creating a distraction-free work environment, both physically and digitally.


In terms of your physical space, this means setting up in a place that isn’t frequented by lots of people, using a comfortable desk and chair, making sure you have enough light, and clearing the space around you. Your digital desk might be a little more challenging, with distractions around every corner. Shut down the apps you aren’t using, and if your operating system has the option, enter Focus Mode. It’s also worth moving your phone elsewhere so you’re not tempted to use it (so long as you don’t need it for work!).


If you’re looking for ultimate work efficiency, you should also avoid multitasking. It may sound counterintuitive, but trying to get two (or more) things done at the same time actually negatively impacts both. Some recent studies even say that multitasking doesn’t exist, and your brain is actually just switching back and forth between all the different tasks, taking a serious toll on productivity.



3. Cultivate Productive Habits

The next step on your path to work efficiency is instilling productive habits into your work life. Most of these will relate to other areas we’ve already covered, like time management and distractions, but the only way to get them to really stick is to form a habit.


One habit that everyone should have is a good daily routine. Incorporate breaks and periods of rest into your day until they become second nature. The frequency and length of these breaks are up to you, but you should stick to them and encourage your team members to do the same. Taking breaks can improve productivity, morale, and mental wellbeing, as well as encourage people to go above and beyond.


Additionally, get into the habit of switching off notifications when starting to do deep work. We’re so used to the “pings” and “dings” of multiple devices these days, that when one goes off, it’s basically instinct to just have a quick look. Don’t do it!


If turning off those alarms becomes second nature when you start on a task, you’ll end up saving yourself from distractions and hours of time.


Don’t forget that it takes an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become reflex, so don’t give up hope if you’ve only just started trying to cultivate better practices. Keep going and you’ll master them in the end!



4. Leverage Technology for Efficiency

Finally, explore how technology can help you supercharge your productivity. There is a common misconception that improving efficiency is all about cost-cutting. Whereas it’s really about getting the best outcome with the resources you have. And sometimes, this means making an investment in tools, training or practices to improve operations rather than hacking away at your overheads. Remember, efficiency leads to savings, not the other way around.


One way to do this is by ensuring there is strong communication between all parts of your organization. This helps facilitate collaboration, which can reduce the possibility of inefficiencies, such as double work, and boost productivity through the utilization of existing knowledge and resources.


There are many bits of tech you can leverage for better collaboration, but a couple that are proving almost invaluable for many modern companies are using instant messaging solution for business chat and digital whiteboards.


Business chat is instant messaging for the workplace and allows people to communicate quickly with conversational email. Essentially, you can say more with less, making it the poster child of work efficiency.


Digital whiteboards are collaborative documents, ideally suited for in-office, remote, or hybrid workforces. They allow team members to collaborate on projects or ideas, contributing with text, images, videos, and more.


However, before you go out and subscribe to a bunch of different products, consider the risks of tool sprawl. Having to swap between multiple platforms one after the other can quickly lead to context switching, which is where shift your attention from one thing to another resulting in reduced focus, less energy, mixed-up priorities, and more.


Explore ways to minimize context switching in your workday while maintaining the tools and features you need to boost work efficiency.



Let’s Keep This Short – Wrap Up

work efficiency


Work efficiency is all about accomplishing as much as possible with the least amount of effort, time, and resources, and is a great way to boost productivity, improve your bottom line, and build a stronger, healthier organization. There are a few common hurdles that can trip you up on your way to achieving work efficiency, including disorganized workflows, fragmented focus, personal work habits, and improper channels and tools.


However, if you follow our simple guidance, you’ll be there in no time. Remember to:

  • Set clear goals

  • Prioritize tasks

  • Implement good time management

  • Create a distraction-free work environment (physical and digital)

  • Avoid multitasking

  • Incorporate breaks

  • Switch off notifications

Finally, make sure to leverage modern technology to build your work efficiency. Improved collaboration through good communication can reduce inefficiencies and boost productivity. Business chat and digital whiteboards are just a couple of the tools you can try, just beware the risks of tool sprawl. With that in mind, it’s time to take the leap into work efficiency, so go get started!

Work Efficiency FAQs

No! work efficiency is about accomplishing the most possible with the least amount of effort, time and resources needed. Sometimes, investing in tools, training or practices is the best way to do this, and thus improve efficiency.

On the surface, doing more tasks in the same period of time might seem like an excellent example of work efficiency, but multitasking can actually reduce productivity. Try to avoid it and instead focus on each individual task without distraction.

The best time management strategy is the one that works for you, so try out some different methods until you find one that fits. Once you do, workplace efficiency is sure to follow.

Sivan Kaspi Sivan is the Director of Marketing at Spike. A firm believer that the right kind of tech actually helps us use it less, she is passionate about tools that improve our lives. She starts off each morning reviewing her Spike feed over a good cup of coffee.

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