Decision-Making Done Right: 11 Tips for Faster Group Decisions

Spike Team
By Spike Team, Updated on March 23, 2023, 8 min read
Group Decision Making

Updated on Mar 22, 2023

What is Group Decision Making?

Group decision-making is a process by which groups use their collective intelligence to make decisions or reach conclusions. Businesses often use group decision-making to make important strategic decisions, such as product development, budget allocation, and resource planning. Despite it’s benefits, group decision-making can be tricky due to factors such as communication difficulties and conflicting opinions. The key factors that contribute to efficient decision-making include clear communication, well-defined roles and responsibilities in the group, and a structured process.



1. Clearly Define the Problem

To make a good group decision, you must first define the problem to outline its possible solutions. If the group does not have a clear understanding of the problem, it is difficult for them to come to an agreement on how best to solve it. By clearly defining the nature of the difficulty, however, everyone can use their unique perspective and expertise to address this concern effectively.



2. Define Who the DRI Is – Directly Responsible Individual

Defining a directly responsible individual (DRI) can improve group decision-making by providing accountability for the outcome of the collective process. A DRI is defined as someone who is assigned responsibility and authority over a particular task or decision that advances an organization’s mission.


By assigning a DRI, the group can ensure that someone is in charge of the decision-making process and that there is a clear chain of command. This can help to streamline the decision-making process and reduce confusion or delays.


Additionally, having a DRI can help to ensure that all necessary information is collected and considered before a determination is made. The DRI can also communicate the decision to the rest of the group and any stakeholders. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that there is no confusion about the final decision.


One reminder here is a quote from famous business leader Peter Drucker: “We are free to choose our paths, but we can’t choose the consequences that come with them.



3. Set a Time Limit

One reason group decision-making can be slow is that there’s no set time limit for discussion. Without a deadline, the group can continue discussing an issue indefinitely. To avoid this, you should set a time limit for the decision-making process. This will help keep your group focused and on track—and ensure that decisions are made in a timely manner.



4. Encourage Participation

Encourage group decision making through participation


Encouraging participation from all group members is an important part of efficient decision-making. This means creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas and opinions. By setting ground rules for the discussion, such as listening to others and avoiding personal attacks, a group can encourage its members’ participation. With diverse perspectives combined into one conversation or decision-making process, a team is better positioned to produce actionable and valuable solutions.


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5. Use a Voting System

When making a group decision, it is often helpful to use a voting system. This can be done through hand-raising or by using ballots—a clear and objective way of determining what the most popular option will be.



6. Use a Facilitator

Another effective way to make group decisions more efficiently is to use a facilitator. A facilitator is someone who is neutral and does not have a vested interest in the outcome of the decision. The facilitator is responsible for guiding the discussion, keeping the group on track, and ensuring everyone has a chance to participate. The facilitator can also help keep discussions focused and resolve conflicts among members if necessary.



7. Brainstorm

Brainstorming is a great way to generate many ideas in a short amount of time. This technique can be used to explore different options and find new and innovative solutions. Brainstorming is most effective when it is done in a group setting, as it allows for a diverse range of perspectives and ideas. Brainstorming can easily be done using a real-time collaboration system.



8. Use a Decision Matrix

A decision matrix is a tool that can be used to evaluate different options and determine the best course of action. This tool can be used to weigh the pros and cons of each option and to identify the option that has the most benefits and the least drawbacks while also avoiding decision fatigue.



9. Make a Pros and Cons List

Another approach is to use a decision matrix, which allows you to weigh your options and reach an impartial conclusion. To make this method work, you need to consider the different perspectives and opinions of all group members. Effective communication strategies can help ensure that all voices are heard when discussing controversial issues. Establishing a clear process for making decisions is important, including assigning roles and responsibilities, setting deadlines, and determining the criteria by which to measure success. This can help to keep the process on track and ensure that the final decision is made in a timely and effective manner.



10. Use a Delegation Method

When making a group decision, it is often helpful to delegate tasks to specific members of the group. This can be done by dividing up the different aspects of the decision-making process among them. By delegating tasks, the group can work more efficiently and effectively, as each member can focus on their specific task and contribute their expertise. Delegating tasks can also help ensure that no important details are overlooked and that all aspects of the decision-making process are considered.



11. Take a Break

group decision making challenges


Taking a break can also give group members the chance to gather more information or perspectives that may support their decision. During a break, group members can reflect on what has been discussed and consider new ideas or solutions that may not have previously been considered.




A group decision-making process can be more efficient than an individual one when it is clearly defined, timely, and encourages participation. Furthermore, a facilitator can help develop ideas and keep the discussion flowing. Brainstorming also inspires new ideas, as does making lists of both pros and cons. By implementing these tips, organizations can make better decisions in a shorter amount of time—and with better results. An important reminder to leave you with is this quote from Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the United States: “You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.”


Group decision-making is the process of making decisions collectively rather than individually. It allows for diverse perspectives and ideas to be considered, resulting in better—and more informed—decisions overall. Additionally, group decision-making can help to build team cohesion and improve communication within an organization.

Setting ground rules for group decision-making can encourage participation by promoting listening, avoiding personal attacks, and respecting different opinions. Encouraging everyone to take part in group discussions and making sure that each person has the chance to express their opinions will help ensure high levels of participation.

A facilitator is a neutral third party that helps guide the meeting participants in making decisions. The facilitator is responsible for guiding the discussion, keeping it on track, and ensuring everyone has a chance to participate. The facilitator also can help resolve any conflicts if they arise.

A decision matrix is a tool used to evaluate different options and choose the best course of action. It involves creating a table with criteria for each option, then determining how well each one satisfies those requirements. By evaluating each option according to several criteria and scoring them accordingly, you can identify the choice with the greatest benefits—and one with the fewest drawbacks.

Taking a break can help to prevent group members from feeling overwhelmed and fatigued, which can lead to poor decision-making. Furthermore, stepping away from the discussion can help clear one’s mind and refocus. A short break may also re-energize group members—making them more productive and effective in making decisions.

Spike Team
Spike Team The Spike team posts about productivity, time management, and the future of email, messaging and collaboration.

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