What is Diagonal Communication in the Workplace?

Spike Team
By Spike Team, Updated on January 31, 2024, 9 min read
Diagonal Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful workplace. From top-down directives to peer-to-peer conversations, communication channels must be open and efficient. However, organizational communication is not limited to vertical or horizontal communication channels. A lesser-known but equally important type of communication flow is diagonal communication. In this blog, we’ll explore what diagonal communication is, why it’s essential in the modern workplace, its benefits and challenges, strategies for improving it, and real-world examples of successful implementation.



What Is Diagonal Communication?

Diagonal communication is a unique form of communication that can take place in many different ways. It can happen between employees working in various departments or hierarchies or between employees with different roles or responsibilities. For instance, it can be between a team leader and a junior employee, an executive and a sales associate, or two employees working on different projects.


Diagonal communication occurs between employees from different teams, departments, or hierarchical levels. For instance, a software developer engaging directly with a sales executive to better understand the end-user’s needs. This type of cross-departmental communication enables better collaboration, breaks down silos, and fosters an open exchange of information within an organization.


One of the unique aspects of diagonal communication is that it can take on both formal and informal communication channels. Formal channels of diagonal communication may include scheduled meetings or presentations where different departments are invited to attend. In contrast, informal channels of diagonal communication may consist of unplanned conversations or chance meetings between employees from other departments.


The informal channels of diagonal communication are particularly interesting because they are often the most effective in breaking down barriers and building relationships between employees. These informal conversations can help employees understand each other better, learn about their roles and responsibilities, and share their ideas and perspectives. When these conversations are allowed to take place, it can lead to better collaboration, teamwork, and problem-solving within the organization.


In contrast, formal channels of diagonal communication can sometimes feel impersonal and ineffective. In some cases, employees may feel they are being talked at rather than talked to during these meetings, leading to a lack of engagement and participation. To avoid this, organizations must try to create an environment where all employees feel valued and heard during formal diagonal communication channels.



Why is Diagonal Communication Crucial for the Modern Workplace?

Diagonal communication is crucial in modern workplaces because it facilitates collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving across departments. In today’s fast-paced and complex business environment, organizations cannot afford to work in silos. They must break down departmental barriers and promote cross-functional collaboration to stay competitive.


Diagonal communication enables individuals from different departments to share ideas, perspectives, and feedback, leading to innovative solutions to complex problems. It also helps teams identify potential roadblocks and challenges in advance, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving skills. In addition, diagonal communication helps to build trust and foster a sense of community among employees, leading to increased job satisfaction and engagement.


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Examples of Diagonal Communication Channels

Examples of Diagonal Communication


In addition to informal conversations and cross-functional team meetings, there are other examples of diagonal communication channels that organizations can leverage. One effective method is using a team communication app, such as Spike or Microsoft Teams, which allows individuals from different departments to communicate and collaborate in real-time. These apps provide a platform for individuals to share information, ideas, and feedback quickly and easily, breaking down barriers that may exist between departments and hierarchies.


Another example of diagonal communication is the use of open forums or town hall meetings, which provide an opportunity for employees to ask questions, share concerns, and provide feedback directly to senior leaders. These open communication channels can help build trust and transparency within the organization, leading to increased employee engagement and job satisfaction.


Organizations can also encourage diagonal communication through job rotation or job shadowing programs, where employees can work in different departments or roles. This not only helps to break down silos but also enables employees to gain a better understanding of the organization as a whole, leading to improved collaboration and innovation.


Regardless of the method used, diagonal communication channels offer numerous benefits for organizations seeking to improve collaboration and innovation across departments. By encouraging and leveraging these channels, organizations can improve problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities, leading to better outcomes and increased success in today’s complex business environment.



What are the Benefits of Diagonal Communication?

As we’ve discussed, diagonal communication is a powerful tool that can help organizations break down silos and promote cross-functional collaboration. By enabling communication between individuals from different departments and hierarchies, diagonal communication fosters a culture of teamwork, leading to improved collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving across the organization. In this section, we will explore the benefits of diagonal communication in more detail and highlight how it can enhance collaboration and innovation across departments, improve problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities, and increase employee engagement and job satisfaction.



Improved Collaboration and Innovation Across Departments

Diagonal communication improves collaboration and innovation across departments by breaking down barriers and fostering a culture of teamwork. When individuals from different departments communicate with each other, they gain a better understanding of each other’s roles, challenges, and goals. This understanding leads to improved collaboration and teamwork, leading to better outcomes.



Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills and Decision-Making Abilities

Diagonal communication enhances problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities by enabling teams to identify potential roadblocks and challenges in advance. It also helps teams to generate innovative solutions to complex problems by bringing together diverse perspectives and ideas.



Increased Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction

Diagonal communication increases employee engagement and job satisfaction by fostering a sense of community and teamwork. When employees feel their voices are heard and their ideas are valued, they become more engaged and committed to their work.



What are the Challenges of Diagonal Communication?

While diagonal communication can offer numerous benefits to organizations, it can also present several challenges that must be addressed to ensure effective communication flow. This section will discuss some common challenges of diagonal communication, including the potential for information overload or miscommunication, conflicts between different departments or teams, and the lack of structure or guidance in some workplaces. Organizations can take proactive measures to mitigate these challenges and create a more efficient and productive workplace by understanding them.



Potential for Information Overload or Miscommunication

Diagonal communication can lead to information overload or miscommunication if not appropriately managed. With multiple communication channels, keeping track of all the information shared can be challenging, leading to confusion or missing important details.



Potential for Conflicts Between Different Departments or Teams

Diagonal communication can also lead to conflicts between different departments or teams if not managed properly. When individuals from different departments communicate with each other, it’s possible that they may have conflicting goals or priorities, leading to potential conflicts.



Lack of Structure or Guidance in Some Workplaces

In some workplaces, diagonal communication may not be encouraged or supported, leading to a lack of structure or guidance. This can lead to individuals not knowing how ​​to communicate with each other effectively, leading to missed opportunities for collaboration and innovation.



3 Strategies for Improving Diagonal Communication


Diagonal communication can lead to miscommunication or conflicts between departments or teams without proper management and guidance. To overcome these challenges, organizations must implement strategies to improve diagonal communication and foster a culture of cross-functional collaboration. This section will discuss some effective strategies for strengthening diagonal communication, through several avenues. Organizations can improve their diagonal communication channels by implementing these strategies to create a more collaborative and innovative workplace.



1. Encourage Open Communication Channels Between Teams and Departments

To improve diagonal communication, organizations can encourage open communication channels between teams and departments. This can be done by promoting cross-functional collaboration and team-building activities, such as inter-departmental meetings, offsite retreats, and team-building exercises.



2. Promote Cross-Functional Collaboration and Team Building Activities

Promoting cross-functional collaboration and team-building activities can also improve diagonal communication. These activities can help build trust and foster a sense of community among employees, leading to increased job satisfaction and engagement. Cross-functional collaboration can also lead to innovative solutions and improved problem-solving skills.



3. Establish Clear Communication Guidelines and Protocols

Establishing clear communication guidelines and protocols can also improve diagonal communication. These guidelines can help individuals know when and how to communicate with each other, leading to more effective and efficient communication.



What Is the Difference Between Horizontal and Diagonal Communication?

Horizontal communication occurs between people at the same level of the organizational hierarchy. This type of communication is common in departments or teams where people need to coordinate tasks and share information. For instance, two employees working on a project together would engage in horizontal communication.


On the other hand, diagonal communication occurs between people who are not on the same level of the organizational hierarchy. This type of communication helps to break down silos within an organization and promote collaboration across different levels or departments. For example, a manager may engage in diagonal communication with a front-line employee to gather feedback on a new process or understand the employee’s perspective on a particular issue.


In summary, horizontal communication is for people on the same level, and diagonal communication is for people who are not on the same level. Both types of communication are essential for a successful organization, and knowing when to use each type is crucial.



Examples of Successful Diagonal Communication in the Workplace

There are several potential examples of diagonal communication in the workplace, including:

  1. An informal conversation between a sales representative and a product manager

    In this scenario, the sales representative and product manager may discuss customer feedback and insights, which can help the product manager improve the product’s features or functionality.

  2. A cross-functional team meeting between marketing, sales, and engineering departments

    This type of meeting can help identify roadblocks and potential challenges in developing a new product or service. By bringing together individuals from different departments, the team can brainstorm and generate innovative solutions to complex problems.

  3. Job shadowing or job rotation programs

    These programs enable employees to work in different departments or roles, which can help break down silos and build relationships between employees from different departments. This can lead to better collaboration, teamwork, and problem-solving within the organization.

  4. Use of a team communication app

    Tools such as Spike can enable individuals from different departments to communicate and collaborate in real-time, breaking down silos that may exist between departments and hierarchies.

These are just a few examples of diagonal communication in the workplace. The key is to create opportunities for individuals from different departments and hierarchies to communicate and collaborate effectively.



The Impact of Diagonal Communication on Overall Success

The impact of diagonal communication on the overall success of communication workflow is significant. Companies that prioritize diagonal communication have been found to have better innovation, higher employee engagement, and increased customer satisfaction. Diagonal communication also leads to improved decision-making and problem-solving skills, leading to better outcomes.


In summary, diagonal communication is a critical component of effective workplace communication. It facilitates collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving across departments, leading to better outcomes. While it can present challenges, organizations can improve diagonal communication by encouraging open communication channels, promoting cross-functional collaboration, and establishing clear communication guidelines and protocols. By prioritizing diagonal communication, organizations can improve their overall success and competitiveness in today’s fast-paced and complex business environment.



Call to Action

To fully realize the benefits of diagonal communication, workplaces must prioritize and improve their communication channels. Organizations can achieve this by investing in team communication app, developing clear communication guidelines, and promoting cross-functional collaboration to break down departmental barriers and enhance problem-solving capabilities. Organizations can create a more collaborative and innovative workplace by improving diagonal communication.

Spike Team
Spike Team The Spike team posts about productivity, time management, and the future of email, messaging and collaboration.

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