How to Build a Successful Internal Communication Strategy for Your Team in 6 Steps

By Sivan Kaspi, Updated on February 14, 2024, 9 min read
Internal communication strategy

Effective internal communication is essential for the smooth functioning of any team. It allows team members to stay informed about what is happening within the organization, share ideas and collaborate on projects, and resolve conflicts in a timely and constructive manner. Read on to learn how to build a successful internal communication strategy for your team. 



What Is Internal Communication?

Internal communication in business refers to the exchange of information, ideas, and thoughts within an organization or company. It is an essential component of any successful team, as it allows team members to share information, collaborate, and work towards a common goal. An internal communication strategy documents the company goals and objectives, with a clearly defined blueprint on how to achieve them.


So, how do you go about building a successful internal communication strategy for your team? Here are the 6 essential steps to follow.



1. Identify Your Team’s Communication Needs

Internal strategy for communication


The first step in building a communication strategy is to assess the current state of your team’s communication. Take some time to observe how team members currently communicate with one another and identify any pain points or areas that could be improved upon. Additionally, consider the types of communication your team needs to be effective. For example, do you need more frequent updates from team members? Is there a need for better decision-making processes? By understanding your team’s communication needs, you can tailor your strategy to meet those needs.


It can also be helpful to survey team members to get their input on the types of communication they find most effective. This can give you a better understanding of the needs and preferences of individual team members and help you to create a communication strategy that works for everyone.



2. Establish Clear Communication Channels

Once you have a sense of your team’s communication needs, the next step is to determine the most appropriate channels for your team. Different teams have different communication preferences, so it’s important to consider what will work best for your team. Some options to consider include in-person meetings, email, chat platforms, or a combination of different methods. It’s also a good idea to set up regular check-ins and meetings to ensure that team members can communicate and stay updated on the latest developments.


When selecting communication channels, it’s important to consider factors such as the size of your team, the type of information you need to share, and the preferences of individual team members. For example, if you have a large team spread out across different locations, email or chat platforms may be more effective for staying in touch. On the other hand, if you need to have in-depth discussions or make important decisions, in-person meetings may be more appropriate.


Create communication channels for different purposes for your team to achieve successful productivity


3. Encourage Open and Transparent Communication

For a communication strategy to be effective, team members need to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. This means fostering a culture of honesty and openness and encouraging team members to speak up when they have something to contribute. To do this, you might consider implementing regular team-building activities, holding open forums where team members can share their ideas, or simply making it clear that all voices are welcome.


Creating a culture of transparency and openness can also involve being open and honest about challenges and setbacks. When team members feel like they have a clear understanding of the state of the team and the organization, they are more likely to feel invested and engaged.



4. Practice Active Listening to Improve Internal Communication

Effective communication is not just about speaking but also about listening. Encourage team members to listen to and understand one another’s perspectives and consider providing training on effective listening skills. This could include techniques like paraphrasing, asking open-ended questions, and using nonverbal cues to show that you are engaged and attentive.


Effective listening is essential for fostering collaboration and understanding within a team. When team members feel they are being listened to and their ideas are being considered, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated.



5. Set Communication Goals and Metrics

To measure the success of your communication strategy, it’s important to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This could include things like reducing response times for emails, increasing the number of team members who contribute to decision-making meetings, and improving overall team collaboration.


Tracking progress against these goals can help you to see what’s working and what areas may need improvement. You can use tools such as a communication tracker or survey to measure progress and gather feedback from team members. By regularly reviewing and adjusting your communication strategy, you can ensure that it is meeting the needs of your team and promoting success.


“Consistent check-ins are critical to streamlining workflows, meeting deadlines, and ensuring employees across departments are cognizant of ongoing projects and assignments. The more efficient the communication within an organization, the stronger the business outcome. Employees and stakeholders alike benefit immensely from a business whose culture prioritizes steady communication.” – Maziar Adl for Forbes.



6. Better Communication Through Technology

Improving internal communication Through technology


There are numerous tools available to help teams communicate more effectively. One option to consider is the use of a team communication app or instant messaging platform specifically designed for business use.


There are many benefits to using a team communication app to streamline conversation. For one, it allows team members to stay connected and communicate in real-time, regardless of location. This can be particularly useful for remote teams or teams with members in different time zones.



Instant messaging for business platforms also often come with features such as file sharing, task management, and video conferencing, which can help teams to collaborate more efficiently. Additionally, these tools can often be accessed from various devices, making it easy for team members to stay connected even when they are away from their desks.


To get the most out of a team communication app or instant messaging platform, it’s important to establish clear guidelines and protocols for use. This might include setting designated times for check-ins and meetings, as well as establishing rules for notification settings and responses. By setting these expectations up front, you can help to ensure that your team can communicate effectively and efficiently without overloading themselves.



Wrap-Up on Internal Communication Strategy for 2023

Effective internal communication is essential for team success. By following the steps outlined in this blog and continually adjusting and fine-tuning your communication strategy, you can create a strong foundation for your team to thrive.


Team communication apps can be distracting. You don’t want to overwhelm your team with a barrage of notifications that can shift focus and impede productivity. However, many next-generation tools allow you to filter low-priority messages to separate inboxes so you can focus on the important items. 

Spike, Slack, and Microsoft Teams are three of the most common internal communication tools used by teams large and small alike. 

An internal communication strategy is important because it helps to ensure that all team members are informed and able to work towards a common goal. It can also help to foster a sense of transparency and trust within the team, which is essential for promoting collaboration and productivity. 

To create an internal communication strategy, follow these steps:

  1. Identify your team’s communication needs by assessing the current state of your team’s communication and determining the types of communication your team needs.
  2. Establish clear communication channels by determining the most appropriate channels for your team and setting up regular check-ins and meetings.
  3. Encourage open and transparent communication by fostering a culture of honesty and openness and encouraging team members to speak up and share their thoughts and ideas.
  4. Practice active listening by encouraging team members to listen to and understand one another’s perspectives and providing training on effective listening skills.
  5. Set communication goals and metrics by determining what success looks like in terms of your team’s communication and setting specific, measurable goals. 

Some common barriers to effective internal communication include:

  • Lack of transparency or honesty
  • Ineffective communication channels or tools
  • Poor listening skills
  • Misalignment of goals or lack of clear direction
  • Difficulty in resolving conflicts or differing perspectives 
Sivan Kaspi Sivan is the Director of Marketing at Spike. A firm believer that the right kind of tech actually helps us use it less, she is passionate about tools that improve our lives. She starts off each morning reviewing her Spike feed over a good cup of coffee.

Gain Communication Clarity with Spike

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