Improving Communication in Law Firms | 2023 Guide

Oren Todoros
By Oren Todoros, Updated on August 31, 2023, 13 min read

Remote work is no longer a trend unique to technology companies; it’s a reality that has affected the legal industry. As law firms across the globe adapted to the unforeseen challenges of recent years, the shift towards remote work became not just a temporary solution but a long-term strategy for how they work. The transition was not without its hurdles, though. Our customers have been observing the evolution of remote work in law firms, and one thing has become abundantly clear: improving communication is at the heart of this new work environment.


Many law firms were navigating uncharted waters in the early days of remote work integration. Tools once confined to technology industries found their way into the legal world. Virtual consultations, cloud-based document management, and team chat platforms have become the new normal. But with these advancements came a pressing need to refine and improve communication.


The open nature of traditional law firm offices, where a quick chat by the coffee machine or a brief meeting in a conference room was the norm, was replaced by virtual interactions over team chat apps and video conferencing. The importance of improving communication in this new work environment cannot be overstated. It’s not just about the tools lawyers use; it’s about how we connect, collaborate, and maintain the essence of legal practice in a remote world.


In our 2023 guide, we’ll look into the best practices for implementing remote work in law firms, focusing on conducting remote consultations, choosing the best communication tools, and improving collaboration.



The Rise of Remote Work in Law Firms

improving communication with clients


When the pandemic hit the developed world, courtrooms went virtual, client meetings shifted online, and the once-bustling law offices became empty. The legal industry, known for its adherence to tradition, was thrown into a new era, and the transition was anything but smooth.



Benefits of Remote Work for Law Firms

Let’s not overlook the silver lining. The shift to remote work brought about unexpected benefits that have reshaped the way law firms operate. Flexibility became the new normal for lawyers. Attorneys could work from anywhere, balancing their professional and personal lives in ways previously unimaginable. Clients enjoyed the convenience of virtual consultations, and the barriers of geography started to crumble. The open nature of remote work allowed for a more inclusive and diverse workforce, tapping into talents that were once confined by location.


We’ve seen firsthand with our customers how technology has enabled law firms to improve communication and actually deliver better service for their clients. Cloud-based solutions, secure communication, and collaboration tools have become integral to the practice of law. The ability to adapt and innovate has proven to be a strength, not a weakness.



Challenges of Remote Work for Law Firms

But let’s not sugarcoat it; the transition to remote work was not without its challenges – especially for legal teams. The siloed nature of virtual work created a sense of isolation for many lawyers and paralegals. The casual interactions that fostered camaraderie and collaboration were replaced by scheduled video calls and team chat messages. Security concerns loomed large as sensitive legal documents were shared and accessed remotely. It was an IT professional’s worst nightmare.


Training and onboarding new team members became a complex task, and maintaining the firm’s culture in a virtual environment was a puzzle many are still trying to solve. For example, there are major concerns around messaging app compliance risks.


The easy times didn’t last, though. The initial excitement of remote work gave way to Zoom fatigue, and the lines between work and home blurred. The open nature of remote work brought its own set of complexities, and law firms had to navigate a delicate balance between flexibility and accountability while delivering value for clients.



Improving Communication for Remote Legal Teams

Remote work communication isn’t just a necessity; it’s an art form. The shift to virtual law practice has brought to the forefront the importance of regular, strategic, and intentional communication. It’s not just about sending emails or making calls; it’s about creating a rhythm, a heartbeat that keeps the team connected, engaged, and aligned. Let’s explore this vital aspect of remote legal practice.



Best Practices for Setting Communication Expectations and Schedules

Communication in a remote setting is a two-way street. It’s about speaking and listening, setting expectations, and following through. Law firms thrive by implementing clear communication guidelines that foster transparency and trust.

  • Regular Check-ins

    Scheduling weekly one-on-one meetings and team huddles ensures everyone stays on the same page. These regular touchpoints replicate the casual interactions of the office environment, keeping the team connected.

  • Clear Expectations

    Defining responsiveness, availability, and preferred communication channels sets the stage for smooth collaboration. It’s about respecting people’s time and creating a culture of accountability.

  • Agendas and Follow-ups

    Structured meetings with clear agendas (don’t go to a meeting without an agenda) and follow-up actions keep the communication focused and productive. It’s not just about talking; it’s about driving progress.

The open nature of remote work requires a strategic approach to improving communication that recognizes virtual collaboration’s unique dynamics.



What Communication Tools Work Best for Legal Teams to Stay Connected?


The tools we use shape the way we communicate. In the legal industry, the choice of communication tools is not just a matter of convenience; it’s a matter of compliance, security, and efficiency.

  • Secure Team Chat Platforms

    Tools like Spike, Microsoft Teams, or Slack offer secure channels for team chat to keep the conversation flowing while maintaining confidentiality.

  • Video Conferencing

    Platforms like Spike, Zoom, or Cisco Webex provide a face-to-face connection, bridging the gap of physical distance. Virtual consultations, court appearances, and team meetings become seamless experiences.

  • Digital Workspace

    Integrated solutions that combine email, team chat, document sharing, and task management create a cohesive digital workspace. Tools like Spike, Google Workspace, or Microsoft 365 enable legal teams to collaborate in real-time, keeping everyone aligned.

The choice of tools must align with the firm’s needs, values, and satisfy security. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s about finding the right fit for the team.


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Conducting Effective Remote Consultations


The legal consultation room has gone virtual, and the shift is more than just a change of scenery. Conducting effective remote consultations is a nuanced task that requires careful preparation, strategic execution, and a client-centric approach. It’s not just about replicating the in-person experience online; it’s about enhancing it. Let’s explore how law firms can effectively conduct remote consultations with clients.



How to Prepare for a Remote Consultation

Preparation is key to a successful remote consultation. It’s not just about having the right technology; it’s about setting the stage for a productive and comfortable conversation.

  • Understand the Client's Needs

    Before the consultation, gather information about the client’s concerns, expectations, and preferences for communication. Tailor the consultation to address their unique needs. Virtual consultations have a different flow than in-person, so practice will make it perfect here.

  • Choose the Right Platform

    Select a secure and user-friendly video conferencing tool that aligns with the client’s comfort level – think simplicity! Ensure that it complies with privacy regulations as well.

  • Test the Tech

    Conduct a trial run to ensure the webcam, microphone, and Wi-Fi connection are working correctly. Eliminate any potential technical glitches, but have a backup plan with a smartphone running your video conferencing solution. A phone with a 5G connection is ideal.

  • Prepare Documents

    Have all necessary documents, notes, and resources readily accessible. Organize them in a way that allows for seamless sharing and discussion during the consultation.

The open nature of remote legal consultations requires meticulous preparation to create an environment that fosters trust and clarity while also remaining personable.



Best Practices for Conducting Remote Consultations with Clients

Once the stage is set, the art of conducting the remote consultation comes into play. It’s about more than just talking; it’s about engaging, listening, and guiding.

  1. Set Clear Agendas

    Begin the consultation with a clear agenda outlining the topics and goals to be achieved. It sets the tone and keeps the conversation focused.

  2. Maintain Eye Contact

    Look into the camera to create a sense of eye contact. It builds rapport and makes the virtual interaction feel more personal.

  3. Use Visual Aids

    Utilize screen sharing, presentations, or visual aids to enhance understanding. It adds depth to the conversation and aids in explaining complex legal concepts.

  4. Provide a Personal Touch

    Acknowledge the virtual setting and make efforts to create a warm and engaging experience. If you’ve never met in person, a personal touch goes a long way in building a solid attorney-client relationship. When possible, try to get together in person at least once.

Answering the Question: How Can Law Firms Effectively Conduct Remote Consultations with Clients?

The answer lies in your approach. Effective remote consultations are not just about technology; they’re about empathy, strategy, and adaptability. Law firms must recognize the unique dynamics of virtual interactions and tailor their approach to meet the client’s needs.


It’s about leveraging the open nature of remote consultations to create an experience that is not just convenient but meaningful. It’s about understanding the client’s world, speaking their language, and guiding them through the legal landscape with clarity and compassion.



Ensuring Security in a Remote Work Environment

Data security and client confidentiality are critical aspects of any legal practice. In a remote setting, these principles take on a new dimension. The open nature of remote work exposes law firms to potential vulnerabilities, from unsecured Wi-Fi connections to phishing attacks. The stakes are high, and the responsibility to protect sensitive information extends beyond the physical office. It’s a complex task, but one that’s essential to the integrity of legal practice.


The challenge of maintaining security in a remote setting requires a strategic approach. It’s about implementing best practices that align with the unique dynamics of virtual collaboration.

  • Secure Wi-Fi Connections

    IT teams should deploy VPN technology when employees are on public Wi-Fi at hotels, coffee shops, etc.

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

    Implementing multi-factor authentication (sometimes called 2FA) adds an extra layer of security to login processes. It’s a simple step that can make a significant difference.

  • Regular Security Training

    Educate employees about phishing scams, safe browsing practices, and the importance of regular software updates. Knowledge is power in the fight against cyber threats.

  • Clear Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

    Establish clear remote work policies that outline security protocols, device usage guidelines, and confidentiality expectations. It sets the standard and fosters a culture of accountability.

The open nature of remote work requires vigilance, adaptability, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Security is not a one-time task; it’s an ongoing responsibility.



How Do You Stay Secure with Employees Work Remotely?

The answer lies in a holistic approach that recognizes the interconnected nature of security. It’s about technology, policies, education, and a culture prioritizing security. Law firms must be proactive, leveraging the latest security tools, staying abreast of emerging threats, and fostering a security-conscious mindset among employees.


It’s about recognizing that remote work’s open, independent nature brings both opportunities and challenges for lawyers. Security is not a barrier to innovation; it’s a facilitator. Security can happen with Productivity. It enables law firms to confidently embrace remote work, knowing that client confidentiality and data integrity are safeguarded.



Wrap-Up on Improving Communications for Law Firms While Staying Secure

The shift to remote work in law firms is more than a mere change in location; it’s a transformation that reaches into the very fabric of legal practice. As we’ve navigated the multifaceted landscape of remote work, one theme has resonated: the importance of improving communication in remote law firms. It’s not just about emails and video calls; it’s about creating an open channel that fosters collaboration, trust, and client engagement.


Communication is the heartbeat of remote legal practice, but it’s just the beginning. From the nuanced art of conducting remote consultations to the critical task of maintaining data security, the journey into remote work is filled with opportunities and challenges. The open nature of remote work is both a blessing and a responsibility, offering flexibility and innovation while demanding vigilance and adaptability.


It’s not a fleeting trend; it’s a new way of practicing law that recognizes the changing needs of clients and the evolving dynamics of the legal profession.


To those in the legal community, the path to remote work is not without its hurdles, but the rewards are profound. It’s about embracing the open nature of remote work, leveraging technology, refining processes, and maintaining the essence of legal practice in a virtual world.


Communication is the heartbeat of remote legal practice. It’s not just about sending messages; it’s about creating an open channel that fosters collaboration, trust, and alignment. In the era of remote work, improving communication is essential to maintaining the essence of legal practice, nurturing client relationships, and driving progress. The open nature of remote work requires a strategic approach to communication, one that recognizes the unique dynamics of virtual collaboration. 

Setting clear communication expectations is key to smooth collaboration in remote law firms. It’s about regular check-ins, clear responsiveness guidelines, and structured meetings. Define preferred communication channels, set agendas, and follow up with actionable insights. It’s not just about talking; it’s about driving progress, respecting time, and fostering a culture of accountability. The open nature of remote work requires a thoughtful approach to communication, one that builds trust and keeps everyone on the same page. 

The choice of communication tools must align with the firm’s needs, values, and ethical guidelines. Secure messaging platforms like Microsoft Teams or Slack, video conferencing tools like Zoom or WebEx, and collaboration suites like Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 are popular choices. The right tools facilitate secure, seamless, and efficient communication, bridging the gap of physical distance. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s about finding the right fit for the team, recognizing the open nature of remote work. 

Fostering a culture of open communication in a remote setting is about more than technology; it’s about empathy, strategy, and leadership. Implement regular check-ins, virtual team-building activities, and clear communication guidelines. Encourage transparency, provide feedback, and create a virtual “watercooler” environment that replicates the social interactions of an in-office setting. The open nature of remote work offers opportunities for connection and growth, but it requires a deliberate effort to create an environment that resonates with the essence of legal practice.

Oren Todoros
Oren Todoros Oren is a strategic thinker with over 20 years of experience in the marketing industry and is the current Head of Content Strategy at Spike. He's also the proud father of 3 beautiful daughters and a dog named Milo.

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